Preclinical data on TNBC presented at SABCS 2022

Dallas, Texas. December 9, 2022:
Etira is pleased to report the abstract related to ERX-41 validating its activity in Triple negative breast cancer was presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS). The SABCS is one of the world’s largest breast cancer meetings driven by a diversity of thought leadership in breast oncology advancements where translational research is paired with clinical practice to better understand and treat breast cancer.
The poster titled “LIPA as a novel therapeutic vulnerability for treating TNBCpresented by Dr. Suryavathi Viswanadhapalli detailed the discovery of ERX-41 as a new therapeutic agent, its molecular target LIPA and its mechanism of action via disruption of protein folding and induction of ER stress.



About Etira
EtiraRx is a privately owned Dallas-based biotech startup focused on developing the next generation of cancer therapies. EtiraRx is advancing their first small molecule drug, ERX-315, to phase I clinical trials later this year for patients with metastatic breast cancer.

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