Etira’s Australian partner MMIC expands

Melbourne, Australia – July 10, 2024:  The expansion of Etira partner Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC) to the Monash Technology Precinct in Clayton was highlighted in the press. This expansion will enable further opportunities for innovation across medicine formulation, resolving manufacturing process challenges and building supply of highly-skilled, industry ready candidates for the workforce.

MMIC was an invaluable partner to Etira in defining the manufacturing process and resolving formulation challenges enabling the clinical transition of ERX-315. “We are forever grateful to MMIC, especially Dr. Paul Wynne and his team, for their insightful, inspired and superb commitment to our project. As an Australian, I am proud that this exceptional resource and talent has been recognized and is going to be an incredible asset for future drug development programs!,” said Russell Hayward, CEO Etira.

For further details of this expansion, please see